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Experiencing a Reiki Session


When you arrive for your first Reiki Session, you'll be asked to fill out an information form. Then we'll discuss any physical or emotional areas you'd like for Reiki energy to focus on. If you wish, you may create a positive affirmation to keep in mind during the treatment.

You will then either lie on a massage table or sit in a chair comfortably, whichever you prefer. Reiki is accompanied by soft lighting and peaceful music, which creates a relaxing atmosphere to promote well-being. Treatments are done fully-clothed, and treatment length is approximately one hour. Essential oils for aromatherapy and various crystals may be used to enhance the experience.

The Reiki practitioner will then transmit Reiki energy through her hands, either by direct touch or with hands held slightly above the body. The hand positions cover the head, neck, arms, hands, abdomen, legs, feet and back. Certain areas may require more time than others.

Please follow these guidelines when setting up and coming in for a Reiki treatment:

Call in advance to make an appointment or to obtain more information.

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that allows you to breathe deeply.

Leave metal jewelry at home or plan to remove it, if possible, before the treatment begins.

If you wish, think of an affirmation or an aspect of your life that you would like to improve upon, and form it into a positive affirmation (for example, I easily flow with whatever happens and maintain my joyful balance," as opposed to "I dont get angry when things go wrong."

Turn off or mute your cell phone during the treatment.

Please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne or scented after-shave.

Come prepared for a totally relaxing experience!