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Angels are ever-present, celestial beings, who are waiting to help and support us whenever we ask. They can be angels, archangels, ascended masters, or even loving, departed relatives or friends.

People can talk with their angels directly through meditation or prayer, or they may also choose to use the services of a Certified Angel Healing Practitioner to help receive and interpret messages.

It's often a life-changing event for a person to realize that they are loved and cared for unconditionally by angels, and can ask for their wisdom to resolve conflicts or difficulties, improve health, or be guided through the activities of each day.


A Certified Angel Healing Practitioner has completed an intensive course in angel communication. Training in how to quiet the mind and listen will allow guidance to come through. To initiate contact, she will ask the angels to be present and to ensure that only good, constructive, loving messages are received, for the highest good of the client.

In order to focus on the information that will be most helpful to you, the practitioner will ask if you have a question for which you'd like to receive angelic assistance, or an issue that needs clarification or resolution. Depending upon the question, the reader may select angel cards to assist in transmitting communication from the angels. After laying the cards out, she will read them with you, interpret possible meanings in relation to your question and discuss them with you.

All information exchanged in a reading is strictly confidential.